Tuesday, March 31, 2009

April Fools

Tomorrow is April 1st...April Fools Day. The origin of this joksters holiday is fairly unknown. There are various theories as to how the day became such a tradition. Some say it was coined when certain people decieded against acknowledging the change to January 1st as the start of the new year. Others claim that an April fool was one who celebrated the start of summer before May Day. There is even speculation that it commemmorates Noah sending out the first raven too early, before the flood waters had receeded. Whatever the origin of this day, in any case it calls to mind someone jumping the gun, or the opposite, falling short.

Nobody likes to be made a fool. It hurts our human pride, our image. It's embarassing. Its one of the many aspects of the human condition that we cannot do anything to repair. Theres nothing that can undo being made a fool of.

This is the final week of the season of Lent, and on Sunday we begin Holy Week, as the Church commemorates Jesus last few days on his road to the Cross. In all of human history there is perhaps no greater fool then Christ Himself. His form of execution was the most humiliating in history. He was beaten in public. His role as "King" was mocked with a crown made from thorns that was smashed into His head. He was cricified like a common criminal, hung from the cross in open public, with a sign nailed above his head to insult him further.

There is a legend that a Roman guard spit in His face as He left the pretorium carrying His cross. Legend claims that Jesus looked the man in the eye, and his punlishment for his insult is that he was deemed to live forever. Jesus of course ends up getting the victory and made fools of those who tortured Him by raising from the dead on Easter morning.

One of the Readings at Mass this weekend included the letter of saint Paul to the Hebrews; "Son though he was, he (Jesus) learned obedience from what he suffered;and when he was made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him." Jesus' obedience to the Father, and His suffering this human humiliation, led to his glorification on Easter morning.

The humiliation faced by Jesus is no stranger to us. How many different ways we are at times made to look or feel like fools. These are moments that make us stronger. These little pitfalls are just speed bumps which will eventually build us to our finest moments. There are so many different areas in our lives where we face these feelings. When we think that our feelings for someone are mutual, and then we discover they are one way. When we mis-place our trust in a friend. When we confide in the wrong person. These are the moments and mistakes that make us stronger, and wiser. I think that in my life I have learned that if we do not learn from our mistakes, that is when we are made the real fool.

The times in Seminary when I bragged about having nailed an exam, and then I found out that I had blown it taught me to not count my chickens before they are hatched. When I confided in a priest regarding things that were going on in the Seminary taught me to be careful who I trust. When the guy I was seeing broke up with me un-expectedly, I learned that maybe love isnt always as mutual as I may think. In all these moments I felt like a fool...but the lessons were learned.

In many ways the lessons we learn may make us close up a bit. We stop trusting people, we close ourselves off from love to avoid getting hurt, or we stop taking risks. It is important that we keep a healthy balance.

So weather April Fools Day began in the days of Noah, or not until the 1700's in the regin of King Charles, either way for centuries we as humans have been making fools of ourselves, and bouncing back. Weather it be a blow to the ego, or a blow to our hearts, maybe we need to be made fools of once in a while. The humility of the moment helps keep us in check, and the lessons we learn from them are invaluble.

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