Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Gay Agenda

One again, the ignorance of our Most Reverend Bishop has inspired me to blog. In his April 23 writing in the "Rhode Island Catholic, Bishop Tobin mounted his attack on Gay Marrige. Suprisingly he actually understood that gays do not want to march down an isle in a cathedral and exchange vows at the altar. Not suprisingly, however, he managed to push the limit as he always does, and turn into a rude, ignorant, bigot.

He speaks of "the Gay agenda", and how it is seeping into the rest of society: "The gay culture continues to seep into our popular culture, cleverly claiming credibility. Did you see that President Obama issued special invitations to gay families to participate in this year’s Easter Egg Hunt at the White House? Just another not-too-subtle attempt to ignore the objective immorality of the situation and present gay couples as normal and happy as every other couple."

First of all, until I am picking easter eggs out of your bushes, what do you care? Second of all there is no objective immorality of a homosexual couple picking easter eggs on the front lawn of the white house. I didnt see any headlines announcing that a gay couple was doing the nasty in the rose garden. I understand the Church's teachings, but I fail to understand why the Bishop chooses his rude, ignorant method to address moral issues. His ignorant assault of the President in his article about abortion, and now this claim that "the gay agenda" is slowly destroying America.

He goes on to say, "Proponents of gay marriage say that the Church won’t be forced to witness such marriages. Don’t believe it. And other related problems will inevitably arise. Will the Church be required to admit gay couples as sponsors for baptisms; to rent its facilities for gay wedding receptions; to hire employees despite their immoral gay lifestyles; to grant family benefits to gay couples? For simply maintaining its teachings in these and many other possible scenarios, the Church will be accused of bigotry and unlawful discrimination. The threat to our religious freedom is real, and imminent."

What cracks me up about this passage is that if the Church were to terminate all her Gay employees, I doubt it would be able to stand anymore. I personally know more gay catholic staff then I can count. So I ask you Bishop Tobin, what is more of a hire a fag to play the organ in a Church, or to torture a seminarian because he needs to loose weight, and somehow fanangal it as a "moral issue". I know Ive never gotten a cheak returned or a donation denied because it came from a gay hand, and was earned at a gay bar...interesting.

Or perhaps the Church is scared because the Gay community (at least in Rhode Island) does more to raise money for local charities then the Church does. The third Sunday of every month at DownCity men put on dresses and put on entertaining shows that go to benefit counless local non profit agencies and charitable organizations....while in the Cathedral the Bishop puts on his dress, and puts on a show and raises money for...more dresses??

I realize this blog may skirt the lines of immaturity, but so does the Bishops weekly column, but this time it hits close to home. "The threat to our religious freedom is real, and imminent." Statements like that only solidify the opinion of the bigots in the world. Articles like this only drive homosexuals away from their faith, and deepen the void between gays and the God who created them. Articles like this only solidify the opinion of people like my mother and sister whose piety does not allow them to love their gay son/brother. Is that what is going to stop the "gay agenda"? Pious heterosexuals can hate their relatives because of what they do in the bedroom? Isnt there any objective moral laws about loving your children and siblings?

The Bishop says, "Here let me explain the “champagne principle.” Not every wine is champagne. Champagne has certain very specific, universally recognized characteristics. If someone were to take a bottle of Chianti, label and sell it as champagne, they’d be arrested for fraud. In the same way, those who seek to redefine marriage – with its specific characteristics – and to usurp the title “marriage” for their morally bankrupt relationships, are committing an act of fraud. It’s insulting to those who have entered the authentic, sacred and time-honored institution of marriage over the years. "

The Church does not extend the sacrament of marriage to homosexuals because simply, we don't need it. I agree with that. My boyfriend and I are never going to create a life...together. However, if I were to adopt a baby with my partner, and approach the Church to have him baptised, Im sure the Bishop would say absolutely not, since no child should be raised by two people in a "Morally Bankrupt" relationship...And Im sure the Church has never married a morally bankrupt straight couple. Im sure the Church has no Morally Bankrupt priests for that matter...give me a break. Half the reason I left Seminary was because while in the system I saw more priests who cared more about themselves and their advancement then the people whom they had given their lives to serve. The selflessness of a drag queen on a Sunday morning at drag brunch is far more impressive to me then the selfishness of watching a Catholic priest basterdize the sacraments as he puts on his dog and pony show at the altar.

I am not one to throw big protests, and to support rallys and marches, usually becuse the whole issue of gay "marriage" gets muddled in all the vocabulary, between legal and church terms. This time however, Bishop Tobin has gone too far.

Well Bishop Tobin, rest assured, you will not see another gay dollar from my wallet. You wouldn't want those since they were earned at a gay bar, from gay customers. Fear not. I realize my attack on the emptiness of some priests is not true for all priests. There are many priests I know who give their lives each and every day in service to God and His church, and they would never tell me that my life was morally bankrupt. They would never do that because they know that I am a good person, and don't judge me based on what I may or may not do in my bedroom.

Gays are picking Easter Eggs on the front lawn of the White House, what's next...they'll be allowed to own property? Give me a break. Bishop, I suggest you open your eyes. Gays are alot like people you know, and they can cleverly disguise themselves as employees of the Church, personal friends, relatives, and colleauges.

"The supporters of gay marriage in Rhode Island are well-organized and well-funded. They’re fiercely determined to impose their politically correct agenda on all the citizens of the state – human history, culture and moral principles not-withstanding. Anyone who opposes them is quickly labeled a bigot." You are a bigot. Thats a judgement Ive built based on more then this one article. Its no wonder the Bishop doesnt shake hands with the people after a function in the Cathedral, he must be scared there might be a homo in the crowd who wont want to shake his hand, but rather ring his neck.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Not only ANOTHER great read... but one of the best. Your passion and drive for what is right in the world is shown in this entry. I have given MANY gay dollars to my church, and other community churches around me because despite the fact that I am gay, I still support the church and believe in what they believe in. Hearing what the bishop has to see honestly makes me sick to my stomach.. don't worry Bishop Tobin.. I'll take my gay dollars else where and support another cause I strongly believe in... and enjoy a mimosa with my eggs benedict while I'm at it!
