Saturday, July 18, 2009

Come Away and Rest

This week in the Gospel, Jesus invites his followers "Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while." I have decided to heed that advice by taking a few days off from work. As I begin my gradual escape from the city, I do so with a spirit of contemplation, and a light heart.

What is it about Birthdays that makes us so excited? Maybe it's the victory that we feel inside for surviving another year. Maybe it's the joy of having something to celebrate in a life that is filled with so many challenges, disappointments, and struggles. Maybe it gives us a chance to stop thinking about ourselves, and focus on someone else, even if it's just for a day.

Birthdays are always a time to think. A time to celebrate the accomplishments of the last matter how small. It's a time to think about the impact we have had on others, and a time to set goals for the year to come.

My 25th birthday was celebrated in the company of good friends, in the Eternal City of Rome. I remember standing on the roof of the Minerva Hotel, and looking out over the city of Rome, I whispered a silent prayer to God. A prayer that will only be answered in God's time. It's like that silent unspoken wish that we make when we blow out the candles on the birthday cake. God did answer a part of that prayer, in Joshua.

Today Joshua blows out the candles on his cake. He utters those silent prayers and supplications to God. He wishes for all the blessings and opportunities that God has in store for him this year. Happy Birthday Joshua. I pray that all of your dreams and wishes come true. Thank you for making one of my wishes come true, and I pray that this is the first of many birthdays that we will celebrate together. As they say in Latin, "Ad Multos Gloriosque Anos!!"

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