Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I Have Neither Silver Nor Gold

"I have neither silver nor gold,

but what I do have I give you:

in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazorean,

rise and walk”

The above words are taken from the First Reading of today’s Mass, as Peter and John are approaching the temple gate, and they come upon a crippled man who is there begging for alms. His pleas are the norm for the gate, as he is there daily looking for some financial help. Peter and John are taken by the man, and Peter heal him with the above words.

Such powerful words for this Easter Season; just this past Sunday we celebrated the Resurrection of Jesus, with a full Chapel. The Liturgy was spirited (to say the least), and quite uplifting. I have spent the last few days processing the events we experienced as a Parish Community, and I have to say…I feel like the richest man alive.

At the Parish House, the third floor Sitting Room is finally almost complete, and I sank into the easy chair yesterday, with “Jesus Christ Is Risen Today” blaring on the surround sound system. As I allowed myself to drown in the words to the music, I lost myself in the meaning of what we have commemorated. The full Chapel, the lively spirit, the music, the flowers; it is all a testimony to the wonder and majesty of the Resurrection. I have neither silver nor gold, but I do have the news of the Resurrection!

As an Easter people, that really is all that we have. That’s the whole point! The Resurrection is the victory of heaven over the bonds of the world. It’s victory of eternal life over eternal death. It’s the victory of true glory that results from true sacrifice. Silver and gold are meaningless, in the face of such riches.

In the days that followed the death of Jesus the Disciples were scared for their lives. They were scared that the same authorities who had put Jesus to death would next pursue His followers. Crippled by this fear, they locked themselves in the Upper Room, there to commiserate and determine their next course of action. This man who they had left everything to follow was now dead, and the hope He had given them had died with Him. Mary Magdalene comes to the Upper Room with news of an empty tomb, and it is Peter and John who run to the grave to see what has happened. They had neither silver or gold…they were so bound by their fear and sorrow they had gone into seclusion, yet this news about Jesus’ empty tomb not only inspired them to rise and walk – but in fact, to rise and run.

In the coming weeks we will hear from the Gospel the many accounts of the Resurrection, and the events that immediately followed. We will hear about the Disciples who met the Risen Lord on the road to Emmaus, who didn’t recognize Him until they broke bread together. We will hear about Thomas, and his doubting of the Resurrection. We will hear how Jesus appears at the Sea of Galilee as the Disciples are fishing, and not only facilitates a miraculous catch, but then entrusts the care of His infant Church to Peter and the Apostles.

Over and over again we will hear the story of the Disciples who are looking for different worldly things; assurance, success, gossip…but they only find fulfillment in the Resurrection of Christ. It’s time tested proof that we have not silver or gold, we have not worldly things, but we have the news of Easter, which is infinitely more rewarding, and fills our heart with far greater joy.

And so my dear friends, may the joy of the Resurrections truly fill all of our hearts with the fullest “Alleluias” we can muster! My the sweet scent of Lilies, and the grand swell of Pipe Organs, be only a fraction of the majestic love of our God that sustains us over these 50 days of Easter! We are truly an Easter people, and Alleluia is our song! We have not silver and joy, but we have the news of Jesus Christ the Nazorean; who has risen from the dead!

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