Friday, November 20, 2009

Isn't It Funny

As I sit here and write today's blog, I am looking at my suitcase packed and laying on my bed, ready to depart to Baltimore, where I will be Ordained a Deacon in the North American Old Catholic Church...the final step on my long and twisted road to the Priesthood. I cant help but let my mind wander and consider how I ended up here.

I can't help but think of the many people who have wandered in and out of my life, that effected my journey to this point. I think naturally of Father Bert, who first inspired me to pursue a Vocation to the Priesthood, and answer the call I felt in my heart. I think of the many priests in charge of my formation in Spiritual Director who has stood by my side, and heard countless confessions from me in the last 10 years. Naturally I can't help but think of those tough times in Seminary too. The days when I considered ditching the whole thing, because I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel anymore.

Upon leaving I entered the world of the Bartender, a total and complete contrast to the life I had formally lived. I have served countless drinks to countless people. Some of whom brought out the priest in me, some became dear friends, come became lovers, and some were just nameless faces who I will never see again. In the years since I left, life started to become confusing, and seemingly empty, until when the time was right, things finally came together.

Thanksgiving is coming up and everybody starts to take stock. We all begin to evaluate our lives, and naturally begin to think about the many blessings we have in our lives. We acknowledge the wonderful gifts we sometimes take for granted. I think above all I have to be honest that the things I am most thankful for is my friends. It is my friends who have always forced me to be honest with myself, true to my values, and supportive of all the crazy ideas and pursuits I have come up with through the years.

In a few hours I will leave for Baltimore and on Sunday I will return a clergyman. All I can think of right now, is "isn't it funny", because when I got OFF the plane at TF Green five years ago, I never would have dreamed that I would someday see my dream become a reality. The events of the next few days are going to be the most significant in my life to date, only to be topped by when I am made a Priest, which will happen here in Providence, in full view of family and friends. I guess today all I can do is thank God, and my friends for the roles they have bringing me to this day. Isn't it funny indeed....

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